About the Fund
The Rental Protection Fund Society is comprised of 3 members — the Aboriginal Housing Management Association (AHMA), the BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA), and the Cooperative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC).
The Fund is overseen by a Board of Directors, comprised of the CEOs of the 3 member organizations.
The Rental Protection Fund Society is operated by the CEO and Staff.
The Board
Jill Atkey
CEO, BC Non-Profit Housing Association
Margaret Pfoh
CEO, Aboriginal Housing Management Association
Thom Armstrong
CEO, Cooperative Housing Federation of BC
The Rental Protection Fund's Investment Advisory Committee provides critical guidance and review of acquisition proposals brought forward for Fund consideration. The Committee's membership reflects a cross-section of professionals with a range of experience in areas that include property acquisition, financing, sustainable management of non-profit housing, and a strong knowledge of the BC real estate market.
Investment Advisory Committee
The purpose of the Investment Advisory Committee is to:
Assist the CEO in developing and implementing an evaluation and selection framework for funding proposals
Evaluate proponent proposals,
Recommend to the CEO those best suited to meet the Fund's objectives, and
Advise the CEO on relevant trends in real estate and financial markets and other matters within their expertise relevant to the Fund's objectives.
The Committee evaluates applications in terms of:
The degree to which the project meets the Fund's goals of preserving purpose-built rental homes from redevelopment and/or significant rent increases at unit turnover.
The project's efficient use of Fund resources, including but not limited to, the grant requested per home, the proportion of the total cost to be covered by the Fund grant, the success of the proponent in attracting non-Fund capital or other contributions.
The Proponent's organisational and financial capacity to execute the proposed project.
The Proponent's ability to secure the financing necessary to acquire the subject property.
If significant capital repairs are required, the capacity of the Proponent to manage such repairs to the proposed scope, schedule, and budget.
The adequacy of the Proponent's plan for the sustainable long-term management and maintenance of the subject property.
The impact of the Proponent's plan on the immediate and longer-term affordability of the project.
The impact of the proposed project on the geographical distribution of the Fund.
Jeff Marin
VanMar Constructors Inc.
Sandra Cawley
Principal and Regional Leader for Property Tax
Raul Jamie
Vice President, Investment Management
QuadReal Property Group
Jenn Podmore
EVP, Real Estate & Development
Nch'ḵay̓ Development Corp.
David Phillips
Senior Manager, Capital Projects & Reporting
Province of British Columbia Ministry of Housing and Municipal Affairs